about fasis
iceberg was a quarterly educational
newsletter published by fasis (fetal alcohol syndrome information
service), a federally recognized 501(c)3 nonprofit, community organization,
from 1991 - 2010. iceberg was funded in part by a grant from the washington
state division of alcohol & substance abuse.
note: opinions expressed in articles or letters
are not necessarily those of fasis.
former fasis board
contact us
fasis and iceberg are no longer active; however, if you have problems with this web site, you can still contact us at iceberg@fasiceberg.org.
editor and design
janice wilson vaché, november 2003 - march 2010
tina talbot, march 2002 - october 2003
heidi connor
pdf newsletter design: dennis martin design
all contents copyright © 2007-2010, fasis. permission to reproduce
in whole or in part is granted with the stipulation that iceberg
be acknowledged as the source on all copies.